Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011
Suicide Bombing
The struggle never knows the final word, but the way of people to struggle often change of direction as well as the change tool of war. In recent years, we often heard the efforts of some groups of Muslims who make suicide bombing. Opinion of the writer, the more precise term for this is the bomb jihad-to distinguish it from "wearing suicide bomb", but it's worth the authors use the term suicide bombing because it is more widely used. Generally there are two reactions in from scholars, some prohibiting and some praise. Both groups were equally include his arguments, whether aqly or naqly. Pros cons encourage authors to choose the theme of suicide law in Islamic jurisprudence. Legal clarity Personality 'is needed in a very crucial issue of this. This is because the differences are quite sharp and contain a variety of implications both globally and in the hereafter. For those who consider human bombings as an act of suicide ('amaliyat intihariyah), then the implication to the perpetrators is not enforced the laws of martyrdom, but is seen as vermin due to be in despair over life's difficulties. In the afterlife, is considered the culprit will go to hell, for having committed suicide. As for those who consider suicide bombing as an act of martyrdom ('amaliyat istishadiyah), then the implication to the culprit was enacted laws martyrdom. He was considered a hero and role model of exemplary courage and in the hereafter insha Allah will enter Paradise. Suicide bombs or also known as human bombs (human bombing) is an activity (mujahid) fill their bag or car with explosives, or explosives wrapped on his body, then attack the enemy where they gathered, until the person is likely major was killed. According to Muhammad Al-Qadah Tha'mah is the activity of a mujahid who threw herself at death to carry out heavy, with most likely not survive, but can bring substantial benefits to the Muslims. Broadly speaking there are two opinions of scholars on the issue of human bombings, that is partly allowed and partly Law forbids suicide bombings origin (within the meaning of jihad bomb) is allowed, even admirable, but it can turn into illegitimate if done in a way beyond the limits or can actually harm the Muslims in general.
Jumat, 30 Desember 2011
Apa artinya ini
Aku bertemu sebuah keluarga baru di sini dan mereka sangat baik. Setidaknya penghilang laraku yang aku rasakan sekarang. Kenapa aku begitu ingin pergi dari keadaan ini, ingin rasanya mengisolasi diri, ingin merenung. Aku benar-benar menyesal telah membohongi diriku sendiri, padahal jelas terlihat sekarang kalau yang aku katakan itu tidak mungkin. Aku ingin pergi jauh dari ini semua dimana aku bisa melupakan hal yang membuat hatiku sedih. Aku berjanji tidak akan sedih lagi karena ternyata masih banyak yang membutuhkanku. Aku harap bisa memulai kebahagiaanku seperti dulu dan kegalauan ini segera selesai
Kamis, 29 Desember 2011
My Friend, you are my Inspiration
Selamat ya buat temenku Atiqoh, dapat kesempatan buat pergi ke Amerika bulan Mei nanti. Aku turut seneng atas keberhasilanmu. Kamu itu teman yang baik, dan baru di kampus ini aku punya teman yang bisa ngasih aku inspirasi. Kamu gak hanya baik, penghafal qur'an, dan juga pandai. Rasanya bangga selama ini bisa sekelas ma kamu selama kuliah di sini. Semoga nantinya kamu tetap jadi orang yang baik dan rendah hati
Rabu, 28 Desember 2011
Minggu-minggu Galau
Minggu ini ujian semester 5 dilaksanakan. Mata kuliahnya lumayan berat dan sulit. Galau....banget aku rasanya. Tapi bagaimana lagi, aku harus menghadapinya. Ujian selama 4 hari ini membuatku lumayan resah. Mudah-mudahan saja yang kupelajari bisa mempermudahku dalam ujian. Mata kuliah Qur'an hadis yang paling membutuhkan banyak hafalan, aku harap hasil ujian ini bisa memuaskan semuanya. Ya Allah aku pengen segera selesai dengan indah minggu ini, bisa segera pulang ke rumah bertemu dengan orang-orang yang ku sayangi.
Kamis, 22 Desember 2011
Hari Lelah
Hari ini aku benar-benar merasakan seriusnya kuliah. Aku mulai kuliah jam 7 sampai jam 11, setelah itu kembali ke asrama untuk istirahat bentar dan sholat. Selesai sholat aku berangkat kuliah lagi sampai hampir setengah 6, sampai tidak terasa puasa hari ini karena penuhnya jadwal. Sepulang kuliah aku langsung ke kantin beli makan buat buka puasa, eh nyampe kamar udah langsung adzan magrib. Habis buka puasa aku sholat magrib, tidak terasa juga udah jam 18.30. Huaaa, padahal jam 19.00 ada ujian Al-Qur'an dan aku belum baca-baca materi. Waktu 30 menitt itu aku gunakan baca materi buat ujian. jam 19.00 waktu untuk ujian dan soal dibagi. Alhamdulillah ternyata aku bisa ngerjain. Hehehe. Wah selesai ujian aku bener-bener capek sampai batu-batuk terus. Aku baru bisa tidur sekitar jam 21.00. Hmmmm, capeknya
Hari Ibu
Hari ini adalah hari yang sangat spesial untuk orang yang paling kita cintai, Ibu. Ibu, semoga di hari ini dan seterusnya Allah senantiasa melimpahkan rahmat serta kasih sayangnya untukmu.Amin. Tidak hanya hari ini, tapi setiap hari bagiku engkau adalah Ibuku tercinta yang selalu akan aku ingat. Hari ini aku tidak lupa mengucapkan selamat hari ibu kepada beliau, meskipun aku hanya memberi bingkisan kecil beberapa hari sebelumnya tapi beliau sangat menghargainya. Aku sangat senang dan bersyukur saat aku menelpon ibuku juga memberi tahu kabar gembira, bahwa hari ini sudah ada pencairan dana sertifikasi. Alhamdulillah, aku bahagia mendengar kabar ini. Di sini aku senantiasa berdoa semoga kedua orangtuaku selalu dimudahkan rizkinya dan sehat selalu. Amin
Rabu, 21 Desember 2011
Gantungan Kunci
Hari ini masuk mata kuliah desain pembelajaran yang dibimbing bu Rahma. Bu Rahma baru saja pulang dari Singapura dan hari ini beliau mengisi perkuliahan seperti biasa. Perkuliahan hari ini lumayan singkat karena bu Rahma sepertinya terburu-buru. Tapi yang paling menyenangkan sebelum beliau pergi, beliau memberi kami oleh-oleh dari Singapura berupa gantungan kunci yang unik, ini dia gantungan kunciku
Senin, 19 Desember 2011
Ujian Ma'hady
Minggu ini jadwal ujian ma'had. Dalam situasi seperti ini aku malah terserang flu. Tiap malam batuk-batuk dan bersin-bersin. Aku tidak konsen belajar. Untunglah temen sekamarku rajin belajar, sehingga aku bisa belajar dengan cara mendengarkan apa yang mereka baca dari kitab. Hmmmm, flu itu menyusahkan sekali. Pengen sekali waktu 2 minggu ini berlalu dengan cepat, dan pengen segera sembuh
Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011
ICP Aku Bangga Padamu
Sudah 4 semester kita bersama. berjuang di kelas yang sama, dengan dosen-dosen yang sama, dengan suasana yang sama. Jangan pernah bosan kawan, karena kita bukan hanya sekedar teman tapi kita adalah saudara. Jangan pernah bosan dengan bahasa inggris yang kita gunakan sebagai alat komunikasi dalam setiap perkuliahan . Percayalah bahwa suatu saat, ini semua akan ada manfaatnya. Kita adalah calon guru agama, tunjukkan kita mampu memberikan yang berbeda. Ingat pesan pak Ali!!! Kita hebat bukan karena kita mampu bersaing, tapi kita hebat karena kita berbeda sehingga kitalah satu-satunya orang yang dibutuhkan di masyarakat. Keep spirit!!!
Jumat, 16 Desember 2011
Kuliah oh Kuliah
Menjelang UAS kenapa perkuliahan semakin tidak jelas, kadang masuk kadang tidak. Banyak anak-anak jadi tidak semangat dengan model kuliah seperti ini. Inilah pentingnya disiplin. Disiplin waktu, dan disiplin dalam bersikap akan sangat berpengaruh bagi kemajuan pendidikan ini. Bagaimana pendidikan bisa maju! bagaimana bangsa ini bisa maju! kalau tidak ada tanggung jawab dan disiplin. Kalau orang mengatakan bahwa waktu adalah uang, bagiku itu adalah ungkapan yang tepat. Waktu tidak hanya uang tapi juga ilmu. Kalau sering jam kosong begini sama artinya dengan kurang mendapat ilmu. Memang benar kalau ilmu tidak hanya didapat dari dosen, kita bisa mengaktualisasi diri sendiri dengan banyak membaca dan mencari informasi. Tapi!!!!kami butuh tanggung jawab dan bimbinganmu wahai dosen-dosen kami yang tercinta
Kamis, 15 Desember 2011
Isi akhir malam dengan sholat dan doa
Bagi orang yang belum terbiasa bangun di akhir malam untuk melaksanakan sholat tahajud bukanlah hal yang mudah. Rasa kantuk dan malas sering menjadi penghalang untuk melakukan niat suci ini. Kenapa ini berbeda waktu kita ingin menghabiskan malam hanya untuk sekedar nonton film, senda gurau, bersenang-senang, ataupun belajar keras ketika akan menghadapi ujian??? Jawabannya hanya terletak pada niat kita. Sebenarnya tiap orang bisa melakukannya asalkan membiasakan diri dan punya rasa bersalah ketika meninggalkannya. Apakah kalian termasuk orang-orang yang menyia-nyiakan waktu malam?? Jika tidak hadapilah cobaan di atas, perangi rasa kantuk dan malas. Ketahuilah bahwa ketika kita tidur sesungguhnya setan mengikat kita dalam 3 ikatan. Ikatan pertama terlepas ketika kita bangun, ikatan kedua terlepas ketika kita berwudhu, dan ikatan ketiga terlepas ketika kita sholat. Gunakanlah kesempatanmu ketika orang-orang sedang terlelap dalam tidurnya, tetapi kalian dengan khusyuk berkomunikasi dengan yang Maha Pencipta lewat do'a dalam shalatmu
Aku Bosan
Ketika semester 5 ini aku sering dilanda kebosanan, pengen melakukan hal baru, pengen punya banyak pengalaman. Tapi apa??? kadang semangatku membara, kadang pupus begitu saja. Pengen bisa ngajar sehingga muridku banyak&ilmuku bisa bermanfaat, tapi aku masih ragu mengambil keputusan itu. Jika dibanding dengan orangtuaku waktu masih muda dulu aku tidak ada apa-apanya. Pengorbananku yang masih minim ini membuatku ragu apakah nantinya aku bisa masuk ke masyarakat. Semester depan aku harus fokus&memperbaiki diri sehingga aku bisa membuat ilmuku ini lebih bermanfaat
Rabu, 14 Desember 2011
Hunting hadiah
Hari ini benar-benar free. Dari pagi tidak ada kuliah dan tidak ada ta'lim di ma'had. Ternyata bosan juga kalau hidup terlalu santai, lebih seru kalau ada aktifitas yang bermanfaat walaupun sedikit. Kuputuskan untuk berbelaja hari ini, membeli oleh-oleh untuk kedua orangtuaku. Aku beli makanan ringan, batik buat bapak, dan bedak buat ibu. Aku bingung memilih batik dengan warna yang sesuai, akhirnya pilihanku jatuh pada batik berwarna coklat. Semoga bapak dan ibu senang dengan yang kubawa ^_^
Selasa, 13 Desember 2011
Menganalisis soal
Mata kuliah evaluasi pendidikan ternyata lumayan sulit, apalagi ketika mau menganalisis soal yang kita buat sendiri. Membuat soal juga ternyata tidak mudah, banyak yang harus dipertimbangkan. Aku pusing sebenarnya melihat angka angka ditambah lagi harus dimasukkan ke dalam pemrograman komputer. Tapi aku harus bisa demi menggapai cita-citaku dan belajar untuk berpikir menjadi orang hebat, yah agak sulit di depan tidak apalah. Minggu ini sedikit ada waktu untuk istirahat, tapi aku tetap harus semangat belajar karena sebentar lagi UAS. Ayo husna, gak boleh malas ^_^
Senin, 12 Desember 2011
RPP Akidah Akhlak
Nama Madrasah :
MTsN Mojoroto Kediri
Mata Pelajaran :
Akidah Akhlak
Kelas/Semester :
VIII / Genap
Alokasi Waktu :
1x 45 menit (1 kali
keimanan kepada Rasul Allah SWT
sifat-sifat Rasul Allah SWT
perilaku yang mencerminkan beriman kepada rasul-rasul Allah dan mencintai Nabi
Muhammad SAW
pengertian sifat wajib, mustahil dan jaiz bagi Rasul-rasul Allah SWT
Menjelaskan 4 sifat
wajib bagi Rasul beserta dalil naqlinya
Menjelaskan 4 sifat
mustahil bagi Rasul beserta dalil naqlinya
Menjelaskan sifat
jaiz bagi Rasul beserta dalil naqlinya
contoh perilaku di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang mencerminkan sifat siddiq,
amanah, tabligh, fathonah
Melalui ceramah bervariasi diharapkan siswa dapat menjelaskan pengertian sifat-sifat
wajib, mustahil dan jaiz bagi Rasul-rasul Allah SWT
ceramah bervariasi diharapkan siswa dapat menjelaskan 4 sifat wajib bagi Rasul beserta dalil naqlinya
· Melalui
ceramah bervariasi diharapkan siswa dapat menjelaskan 4 sifat mustahil bagi Rasul beserta dalil naqlinya
ceramah bervariasi diharapkan siswa dapat menjelaskan sifat jaiz bagi Rasul beserta dalil naqlinya
Melalui model
pembelajaran card sort diharapkan siswa dapat menyebutkan contoh perilaku di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang
mencerminkan sifat siddiq, amanah, tabligh, fathonah
Definition of sifat
wajib, mustahil, and jaiz for prophet
Wajib is characteristic that must be owned by Prophet. Mustahil is impossible
characteristic that owned by Prophet. Jaiz is characteristic that allowed for Prophet, namely permissibility of human traits of human beings generally
The kind of sifat wajib and its dalil
In QS. An Najm: 3-4
وَمَا يَنْطِقُ عَنِ الْهَوَى . إِنْ هُوَ إِلاَّ وحْيٌ يُّوْحَى
وَمَا يَنْطِقُ عَنِ الْهَوَى . إِنْ هُوَ إِلاَّ وحْيٌ يُّوْحَى
Artinya : “Dan (Nabi Muhammad
SAW) tidak berbicara berdasarkan hawa nafsunya, namun berdasarkan petunjuk dari
Tuhannya. (An-Najm : 3-4 )
TABLIGH ( Convey )
In QS. Yasin: 17
وَمَا عَلَيْنَآ إِلاَّ الْبَلاَغُ
Artinya : “Dan kewajiban kami
tidak lain hanyalah menyampaikan perintah Allah dengan jelas.
AMANAH (Can Be Believed)
In QS. As Syuaro’ 106-107
إِذْ قَالَ لَهُمْ أَخُوْهُمْ
نُوْحٌ أَلاَ تَتَّقُوْنَ . إِنِّيْ لَكُمْ رَسُوْلٌ أَمِيْنٌ
Artinya: “Ingatlah Sesungguhnya aku adalah seorang
Rasul kepercayaan yang diutus kepadamu.”
In QS. Al An’am: 83
وَتِلْكَ حُجَّتُنَا ءَاتَيْنَاهَآ
إِبْرَاهِيْمَ عَلَى قَوْمِهِ
Artinya: “Dan itulah hujjah
yang Kami berikan kepada Ibrahim untuk menghadapi kaumnya.”
The kind of sifat mustahil an its
KIDZIB ( Lie )
In QS. An Najm: 11
مَا كَذَبَ الْفُؤَادُ مَا رَأَى
Artinya: “Hatinya tidak mendustakan apa yang
KHIANAT ( Can’t be believed )
KITMAN ( Hide )
In QS. Al An’am: 50
إِنْ أَتَّبِعُ إِلاَّ مَا يُوْحَى إِلَيَّ قُلْ هَلْ
يَسْتَوِى الْأَعْمَى وَالْبَصِيْرُ أَفَلاَ تَتَفَكَّرُوْنَ
Artinya: “Aku tidak mengikuti kecuali yang diwahyukan
kepadaku, katakanlah apakah sama orang yang buta dengan orang yang melihat?
Maka apakah kamu tidak memikirkannya.”
BALADAH ( Stupid )
In QS Al A’rof: 199
خُذِ الْعَفْوَ وَأْمُرْ بِالْعُرْفِ وَ أَعْرِضْ
عَنِ الْجَاهِلِيْنَ
Artinya : “Jadilah engkau
pemaaf dan serulah orang yang mengerjakan ma’ruf serta berpalinglah dari
orang-orang yang bodoh.”
Sifat jaiz and its dalil
Basyariah (the nature of humanity. Such as; eat, drink, sleep, marriage, sad, and happy)
In Qs: Al Mu’minun: 33
وَمَآ أَرْسَلْنَا مِنْ قَبْلِكَ
مِنَ الْمُرْسَلِيْنَ إِلاَّ أَنَّهُمْ لَيَأْكُلُوْنَ الطَّعَامَ وَ يَمْشُوْنَ
فِى الأَسْوَاقِ
Artinya: “(orang) ini tidak lain hanyalah manusia
seperti kamu, dia makan seperti apa yang kamu makan dan ia minum seperti apa
yang kamu minum.
Ceramah bervariasi
Model Pembelajaran
Card sort
Membaca do’a bersama
sebelum belajar
Guru mengabsen
kehadiran siswa
· Guru
mengingatkan kembali pelajaran pada pertemuan
10 menit
Kegiatan Inti
Guru menyampaikan kompetensi yang ingin dicapai
Guru menyampaikan materi pokok pada siswa
Guru membagikan kertas
yang berisi informasi, contoh atau langkah-langkah dalam
satu kategori tertentu.
Guru meminta siswa untuk
mencari kawan yang memiliki kertas dengan kategori yang sama.
siswa menemukan kawan-kawan dalam satu kategori, guru meminta mereka menjelaskan kategori tersebut
Siswa diberi
kesempatan untuk bertanya tentang materi yang belum dimengerti.
Kegiatan Akhir
Do’a setelah belajar
5 menit
- Sumber Pembelajaran
paket Aqidah Akhlaq kls VIII, Penerbit Toha Putra, Semarang
lain yang relevan
Indikator Pencapaian
Jenis Penilaian
Bentuk Penilaian
Contoh Instrumen
Menyebutkan sifat-sifat Rasul
Menyebutkan contoh-contoh perilaku sifat amanah, siddiq, tabligh,
fathonah dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
Tes lisan
Tes lisan
Tanya jawab
§ Sebutkan sifat-sifat wajib Rasul
beserta sifat mustahilnya
Sebutkan contoh-contoh perilaku sifat amanah, siddiq, tabligh, fathonah
dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
Kepala Madrasah
Drs. H.M
Dawam SH, MM
, ...............................
Guru Bidang Studi Akidah Akhlaq
Amalia, Spd.I
Praktik jadi Bu Guru
Hari ini pelajaran akidah akhlak. Saatnya praktik ngajar di kelas. Hmmmm rasanya kagok banget, kan beda antara presentasi dengan ngajar. Mau gak mau aku harus siap menghadapi hari ini. Waktu aku di depan kelas rasanya penyakit grogiku kambuh lagi, gemetaran gak karuan tapi untung gak pingsan di kelas, hehehehehe. Wah kayaknya aku harus banyak mengajar untuk menjadi seorang guru. Ternyata jadi guru itu gak mudah butuh ketrampilan dan keluwesan. Pelajaran penting hari ini adalah Never Give Up. Semangat buat jadi calon guru yang bisa mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa dan mendidik anak negeri menjadi muda mudi yang tangguh. Masukan dosenku hari ini penampilanku waktu penutupan tadi kurang adanya evaluasi & lebih baik lagi kalau ada selingan game. Alhamdulillah juga hari ini presentasi selesai semua dan siap-siap menghadapi UAS. Semoga hari ini ada manfaatnya sehingga menjadi amal baik yang dicatat oleh Allah SWT. Amin
Kamis, 08 Desember 2011
Never give up
Presentasi hari ini bisa dibilang gagal, tapi bukan berarti ini 100% kesalahanku, aku sebenarnya sudah siap karena memang sudah kupelajari. Mungkin karena memang materinya sudah pernah tersampaikan dan aku menyampaikan lagi jadi anak-anak sepertinya sudah bosan. Aku gagal membuat anak-anak tertarik dengan presentasiku. Pelajaran yang ku dapat hari ini adalah seorang guru tidak hanya membutuhkan keluasan ilmu tapi bagaimana menciptakan suasana menyenangkan di kelas, semoga kelak aku bisa membuat murid-muridku terkesan dengan caraku mengajar. Amin
Rabu, 07 Desember 2011
Curriculum Development
Curriculum theory is a
prerequisite for developing a curriculum as a discipline. Curriculum theory
serves as an intellectual activity to understand the nature of education and
teaching experience in internal and existential. Curriculum
is an area of vital importance to the professional teacher. It is after all,
the very substance of schooling and the raison for teachers in schools. Islam
regards curriculum as a tool to educate young people well and help them to open
up and develop the willingness, talents, strengths and skills of their manifold
and prepare them to exercise the rights and obligations properly, taking self
responsibility, family, community, and nation, participate
actively to the betterment of society and nation. In addition, the curriculum
as well as a tool to create the desired change in the habits, beliefs,
attitudes, systems and people's lifestyles.
Muslims as government, educational
reformer, or even students see curriculum as core of the
educational process and the first way to reach the goal of education.
Definition of curriculum
Curriculum is defined as all the planned learning
opportunities offered to learners by the educational institution and the
experiences learners encounter when the curriculum is implemented. This is
includes those activities that educators have devised for learners which are
represented in the form of a written document[1]
The most important
concept that needs to get an explanation in the theory of curriculum is the
concept of curriculum. There are three concepts of the curriculum, the
curriculum as the substance, as a system, and as a field of study such as:[2]
• The curriculum
as a substance: A curriculum, viewed man as a plan of learning
activities for students at school, or as a set of objectives to be achieved. A curriculum can also
refer to a document that contains the formulation of objectives, teaching
materials, teaching and learning activities, schedules, and evaluation. A
curriculum can also be described as a written document as a result of mutual
agreement among the drafters of the curriculum and educational policy holders
with the public. A curriculum can also include a specific scope, a school, a
district, province, or across the country.
• The curriculum
as a system: Curriculum system is part of the school system, education system,
even the public system. A curriculum system includes personnel structure and working procedures how
to prepare a curriculum, implement, evaluate, and refine them. A result of a
curriculum system is compilation of a curriculum, and functionality of the
system is how to maintain the curriculum of the curriculum in order to remain
• The curriculum as a field of study: This is a
field of study curriculum experts and educational experts and teaching.
Objectives of the curriculum as a field of study is to develop knowledge about
curriculum and curriculum system. Those who study the
field of curriculum study the basic concepts of the curriculum. Through
literature studies and various research activities and experiments, they found
the barn things that can enrich and strengthen the field of curriculum studies.
Curriculum Foundations
Ø Philosophical
and philosophical assumptions are basic to all curriculum foundations as they
are concerned with making sense of what we encounter in our lives[3]. Philosophy
have important role in curriculum development. First, philosophy can determine the goal of education. Second, Philosophy can determine content
or subject. Third, Philosophy can
determine strategy or method to achieve the goal. Fourth, Philosophy can measure the achievement of education[4].
The aim of school is to educate children to become a good man. What is good is
essentially determined by the values, ideals or philosophy that embraced the
State, as well as teachers, parents, community and even the world. The
curriculum must have a close relationship with the philosophy of the nation and
the State, especially in determining the man who aspired for goals to be
achieved through formal education. For example:
In Dutch era, Indonesia use curriculum that is oriented to political interest
of dutch. After Indonesia get freedom and use pancasila as basic and philosophy
so the curriculum is appropiated into values in pancasila.
there are three aproach of philosophy that can give influences for curriculum
development :[5]
Philosophy of Idealism
According to philosophy of idealism human is spiritual and social creature,
so the goal of education must be developed in order to formulate character,
talent, and good socialization suitable with the nature of human
Philosophy of Realism
According to philosophy of realism, human is depend on something that they
do, so the goal of education should be formulated to adaptation and social
responsibility. Curriculum must be developed comprehensively involve sains,
social, or the content of value in the form of subject centered.
Philosophy of pragmatism
According to philosophy of pragmatism there is no limitation for the goal
of education (lifelong education). The goal of education more emphasize to
obtain useful experience for solving problem in individual or social life.
Ø Sociological
and culture exert enormous influences on the formation of the school curriculum
o indeed any curriculum. Every society has norms, customs
which can not be known and realized no children in the past stated in his
personal conduct. Every society has different value that was followed. Each
child will be different cultural backgrounds. This difference should be considered
in the curriculum. In terms of our republic must keep, so that this principle
should not be exceeded dominate causing community-centered curriculum or
society-centered curriculum.
Influences of
society and culture on curriculum: [6]
societal and cultural influences that affect curriculum developers are evident
in both conscious and unconscious ways and their impact is certainly profound
and culture influence curriculum developers
simply because they are members of a particular society
and cultural influences on the curriculum which
deserves specific attention is
that of culturally induced bias
Ø Psychological
Curriculum as tool to achieve
the goal of education have relationship with learner’s change behaviour. So
that to develop curriculum have to use phsicological foundation.
are two areas of psychology that underlies the development of curriculum:[7]
psychology: In the developmental psychology studied about the nature of development,
phases of development, aspects of development, individual development tasks, as
well as other matters related to development of the individual.
of learning: is the study of individual behavior in the context of learning, examines
the nature of learning, learning theories, and various other aspects of
individual behavior in learning.
Ø Technology
as tool of education must be renewal that must suitable with human development.
The important point that must be understood related with technology
of life style
There are several areas of
science and technology that have a profound influence on people's lives either
directly or indirectly. These areas are communications, transport, industry and
the mechanization of agriculture, and weaponry. Education also had considerable
influence of science and technology, long ago, technology has been applied in
education, but the technology used is simple just like using Blackboard and
chalk, pen and ink, and etc. Following development time, this is used in a
modern technology, just like audio, video cassette, overhead projectors, slide
film, motion film computer, internet and etc. Thus, there is a close
relationship between the curriculum and technology. Due to a very close
relationship that the technology became one of the basic curriculums is very
of Curriculum
Ø Goal
(1997) describe three kinds that must be considered to achieve the goal of
Autonomy; gives individuals and groups the maximum awareness,
knowledge, and ability so that they can manage their personal and collective
life to the greatest possible extent.
Equity; enable all citizens to participate in
cultural and economic life by coffering them an equal basic education.
Survival; permit every nation to transmit and
enrich its cultural heritage over the generation but also guide education
towards mutual understanding and towards what has become a worldwide
realization of common destiny.
Ø Content
Component program content and structure / material is material that is programmed to achieve the educational goals have been set. Content or material that is usually in the form of material fields study, for example; Mathematics, Indonesian Language, Science, Social Studies, Morals, tasyri, Arabic and others. Areas of study are tailored to the types, levels and pathways existing education and fields of study are usually already included or loaded in the structure of a school curriculum program.
Component program content and structure / material is material that is programmed to achieve the educational goals have been set. Content or material that is usually in the form of material fields study, for example; Mathematics, Indonesian Language, Science, Social Studies, Morals, tasyri, Arabic and others. Areas of study are tailored to the types, levels and pathways existing education and fields of study are usually already included or loaded in the structure of a school curriculum program.
Nana Syaodih Sukamadinata (1997)
explores the sequence arrangement of learning materials, namely:
1. Chronological
sequences; arrangement of learning materials that contain a sequence of time.
2. Causal
sequences; composition containing instructional material causality.
3. Structural
sequences; arrangement of learning materials that contain the structure of
4. Logical
and psychological sequence; sequence is a logical arrangement of learning
materials at the beginning of the section towards the whole, from the simple to
the complex. While the psychological opposite of the whole sequence to the
parts, and from simple to complex. According to the logical sequence of
learning materials compiled from real to abstract, from the object to the
theory, from function to structure, from the issue of how the problem of why.
5. Spiral
sequence; arrangement of learning materials that focus on particular topics or
materials that are popular and simple, then developed, deepened and expanded
with more complex materials.
6. Sequence
circuit to the rear; in this teaching sequence begins with the final step and
retreat backward. Examples of problem-solving of a scientific nature, involves
5 steps as follows: (a) restrictions on the issue, (b) preparation of a
hypothesis, (c) data collection, (d) testing the hypothesis, and (e)
interpretation of test results.
7. In teaching, teachers start with
step (a) to (d), and learners are asked to make the interpretation of the
results (e). On the other chance
teacher presents data on other issues of step (a) to (c) and learners are asked
to conduct hypothesis testing (d) and so on.
8. Sequences
based on the hierarchy of learning, the learning procedure begins analyzing the
objectives to be achieved, then look for a hierarchical sequence of learning
materials to achieve a goal or competency. Hierarchy describes the sequence of
behaviors that must be mastered early learners, successive straight up to the
final behavior.
Ø Strategy
In teaching and learning, an
educator or teacher needs to understand the strategy. The strategy should be care about the approach,
methods and the teaching tools that may be needed in teaching and learning
process. Strategy instruction can be understood as way owned by a teacher in
the learning process. Thus, the strategy has a comprehensive meaning that must
be understood and intended to apply by
an educator to prepare their students from teaching to the evaluation. By using
the right strategy, it is expected for results that are obtained in the learning process
may be satisfactory for both educators and students. However, the use of
precise and accurate strategy is largely determined by the level of competence
of educators. Educators recently have started to lead to the two communications
Airways in the process of learning and teaching in the classroom.
Ø Evaluation
To see how far the success of the
performance of curriculum implementation, evaluation is required. Given the
evaluation component is closely related to another component, then the way the
assessment or evaluation will determine the objectives of the curriculum,
materials or ingredients, as well as teaching and learning process.
In evaluating, usually an educator will evaluate students with the material or materials that have been taught, or at least something to do with who has been taught. It is very important, given the assessment results or results that are owned by students rarely a barometer of the success of the process of teaching in a school and is closely related to future students.
Further, the assessment is very important not only to show the extent to which the level of achievement students, but also a source of input in an effort to repair and update the curriculum. Observation, in the broadest sense, can be done not only by educators, but also the wider community and those who are authorities in education.
In evaluating, usually an educator will evaluate students with the material or materials that have been taught, or at least something to do with who has been taught. It is very important, given the assessment results or results that are owned by students rarely a barometer of the success of the process of teaching in a school and is closely related to future students.
Further, the assessment is very important not only to show the extent to which the level of achievement students, but also a source of input in an effort to repair and update the curriculum. Observation, in the broadest sense, can be done not only by educators, but also the wider community and those who are authorities in education.
is defined as all the planned learning opportunities offered to learners by the
educational institution and the experiences learners encounter when the
curriculum is implemented.
The foundation of curriculum include some aspects such as
philosopical foundation, pshycological foundation, sociological foundation, and
technological foundation that become basic of curriculum.
The componen of curriculum involve the goal, content,
strategy, and evaluation that have relationship and can’t be separated each
Syaodih, Nana. 1997. Pengembangan Kurikulum Teori dan Praktik.
Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya
Print, Murray. 1987. Curriculum Development and Design. Australia
Sanjaya, Wina. 2008. Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran.
Jakarta: Prenada Media Grup
Sukirman, Dadang. Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran. PDF
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